Now we are going to drive the famous and notorious Gibb-River-Road. The Gibb-River-Road is a gravel road and it serves as perfect understanding of a gravel road – dusty, sandy, with a lot of stones (big and small), pot holes and a lot of corrugations small and large ones. We are looking forward what kind of experience we will have. Originally the road was build to transport the beef of the stations to the ports. All the Home-Stations here, which reaches at least 400‘000 acres (60x60km) or more, does have to have transported their cattle to Derby or Wyndham port.
The Gibb-River-Road is 660 km long, approx. 560 km of it is gravel. For us it‘s not such a big thing, we gess, because we did the „Great-Central-Road“ (Uluru, NT to Laverton,WA) with a length of 1‘126 km and some parts of this road were enormously tough.
There are a lot of junctions to other roads, which takes to many gorges, pools or to the tunnel creek. In fact we do have seen such a lot of waterfalls, gorges, tunnels and pools during all our travels, that leeds us to an attitude to decide that we pick only one place for a visit, we go to the Manning falls at Mount Barnett. For all those of you how wants to have more informations to the natural attractions around the Gibb-River-Road, you may find some informations here.
The first part of our trip leads us to Mount Barnett Roadhouse. The Campground is simple but the amenities are ok. At the same side of the campground is the Manning Gorge and its pool. Beautyfull and fascianting this place. Next stopp on our trip is „Ellenbrae Home Station“ absoluty a must to has been seen and visited. Fresh home made scones with jam and cream are avaiable and the surroundings does have a lot to offre. The station its self is open for 6 month, during the wet season it’s closed and all the needed goods are being brogth to the station by roadtrain or plane.
The last part ends with the overnight and delicous dinner at „Home Valley Station“. This station ist awesome and absoluty great build. The campground, the eco tents, rooms, cabins, pools and with the excellent „Dusty Bar & Grill“ Restaurant – a must on the Gibb-River-Road. There are a lot of attractions at Home Valley Stations like fisching, horse riding, swimming – aware of crocodiles – and flights.
Lots of words and now the impressions