The variety around the Route 66 is big and we are once more able to drive on some original street parts (pavement of the old days) and we are wondering where the Harley Davidson Bikers are – eventually they all drive on the Interstate 40 in believing to be on the Route 66.
We are now at the state of Texas at Amarillo. The first Texan saloon we go to named “Boot Hill” we do have the luck to see real Texan cowboys and we are happy about that.
Up to Elk City we follow all the way the original Old Route 66 and we enjoying all the impressive moments and changing about the landscape and the road surface. One thing always is present a lot of people have lost their existence with the opening of the various highways just in front of the Route 66 there are so much ruins along the Route 66.
On the way up to Oklahoma City there are many “historic marker” to drive to. At Oklahoma City we visit the Business District, the botanical garden and” target=”_blank”>Bricktown. We are lucky to find the street market is going on at Bricktown.