After the impressive side trips to the Staircases we are now back on the Route 66 at Flagstaff, AZ.
Flagstaff is a village in the mountains, situated on 2100 m over sea level. The climate is very gentle. During the day the temperature rises’ up to 25-30¤ Celsius with a gently breeze and in the night it is cooling down to under 10¤ Celsius.
Flagstaff is surrounded by high, snowy mountains an wide spread forest.
There are lots of things to do around Flagstaff as also to see in the Old Town.
The tory on the Mars Mountain gives all night (except Sunday) the possibility to take a look in the Universe through the big telescope. We join to be part of this event and we are briefly impressed of it.
At the Lenox Crater Forest National Park is a huge lava flow which is cooled down ages ago.
In the near south of Flagstaff there are the Red Rocks close to Sedona. Just a short distance to Flagstaff there are the Mormon Lakes in the south west as also as the Walnut Canyon and in the west of Flagstaff there is the zoo “Bearizona“